Nominations for the awards listed below are solicited from the membership and the awards are presented at the Annual Conference. Nominations for 2025 awards can be made by EASFAA members through February 28th, 2025!
Life Membership (Honorary Life Membership) EASFAA's highest award is given to individuals who have made an outstanding and sustained contribution to student financial aid. Nominations may be made by any member of the Association. Approval by a majority of voting members of Regional Council. Recognition is given at the annual conference.
- Past Recipients:
- 2024 - Jim Anderson, Catherine Boscher-Murphy, Allene Begley Curto
- 2023 - David Sheridan, Rachel Lohman, David Myette
- 2022 - Neville Brown, Odette Franceskino, Larry Chambers
- 2021 - Tom Dalton
- 2020 - Suzy Allen
- 2018 - Rich Heath, Barbara Miller, John View
- 2017 - Christine Zuzack
- 2016 - Robert Shorb, Joseph Roberto
- 2015 - Heather McDonnell
- 2014 - Jeff Baker
- 2012 - Daniel Madzelan
- 2011 - Yvonne Gittens
- 2010 - Michael Bennett
- 2009 - Sammy Rivera
- 2008 - Kathleen Smith
- 2007 - Irvin Bodofsky, George Chin
- 2006 - Senator Jim Jeffords
- 2005 - Claiborne Pell
- 2005 - William Irwin
- 2003 - Congressman Goodling
- 1995 - Joseph Sciame
- 1994 - Dallas Martin, Maria DeJesus
Distinguished Service Award Given to individuals who have made significant contributions to EASFAA through leadership, activities, and/or research in financial aid. Recognizes service to the Association over a period of professional involvement, not a single event or activity. Awarded no more often than once a year at the annual conference. Awarded only at such times as a suitable recipient is clearly identified. Nominations may be made by any member of the Association. Nominations are reviewed by a committee consisting of the immediate past president, the president-elect, and the vice president. One or more names may be recommended to the Regional Council. Approval by a majority vote of the Council necessary to give the award. (This award is not intended as recognition for EASFAA officers for their service in office alone.)
- Past Recipients:
- 2024 - Robert Weinerman
- 2023 - Katrina Delgrosso, Marie Johnson
- 2022 - David Sheridan
- 2021 - Sam Veeder
- 2020 - Wynette Zuppardi
- 2019 - Tom Dalton
- 2018 - Larry Chambers
- 2017 - Tony Erwin
- 2016 - Neville Brown, Odette Franceskino
- 2015 - Richard Heath
- 2014 - Allene Curto
- 2013 - Barbara Williams
- 2012 - William Cheetham, Barbara Miller
- 2011 - Betty Davis
- 2010 - Christine Zuzack
- 2009 - Michael McGraw
- 2008 - Susan Howard, Richard Woodland
- 2007 - Susan Allen
- 2006 - Robert Shorb
- 2005 - Larry Zaglaniczny
- 2004 - John View
- 2003 - David Myette
- 2002 - George Chin
- 2001 - Michael Bennett
- 1999 - Irvin Bodofsky
- 1998 - Russell Woodward
- 1997 - Rachael Lohman
- 1996 - William Irwin
- 1995 - Pamela Gilligan
- 1994 - Robert Condon
Leadership Award May be given annually to recognize individual(s) who has (have) provided outstanding leadership to the Association or to an Association activity in the preceding year. Given at the annual conference. Nominees are determined by the Executive Committee and State Representatives and one or more names may be submitted to the Regional Council. Recipient(s) must be approved by a majority vote of the Council. (This award is not intended to recognize the President of the Association for his/her year in Office.)
- Past Recipients:
- 2024 - Doug Wilson
- 2023 - Tanya Patterson-Stanley
- 2022 - Rich Neilsen
- 2021 - Julie Lawton
- 2020 - Tisa Silver Canady, Danette Burgess
- 2019 - Pat Johnson
- 2018 - Cheryl DePaolis, Marie Johnson
- 2017 - Brian Lemma
- 2016 - James Murphy
- 2015 - Wynette Zuppardi
- 2014 - Samantha Veeder
- 2013 - Odette Franceskino
- 2012 - Neville Brown, Dawn Mosisa
- 2011 - Maribeth Quinn
- 2010 - Gisele Joachim
- 2009 - Mila Tappan
- 2008 - Anne Barton
- 2007 - Barbara Miller
- 2006 - Cathy Patella
- 2005 - David Manning
- 2004 - Larry Chambers
- 2004 - Elena Garcia
- 2003 - Bob Shorb
- 2003 - Holly Zaglaniczny
- 2002 - Susan Howard
- 2001 - Christine A. Zuzack
- 2000 - Rich Woodland - Chairperson, Graduate Concerns Committee
- 2000 - John View - Chairperson, Training/Leadership Committee
- 1999 - Susan Allen
- 1998 - Ben Carey
- 1997 - Michael Bennett
- 1996 - David Myette
- 1995 - Doug Bucher
- 1994 - John Skarr
- 1994 - Rachael Lohman
- 1994 - Francine Andrea
Outstanding Volunteer Award Awarded to recognize individual(s) for outstanding service performed to the Association as a non-elected volunteer. Nominees are determined by the Executive Committee and State Representatives and one or more names submitted to the Regional Council. Recipient(s) must be approved by a majority vote of the Council.
- Past Recipients:
- 2024 - Jason Kahn
- 2023 - Catherine Boscher-Murphy
- 2022 - Krysta Gingue
- 2021 - Maureen Fagen
- 2020 - Rich Neilsen
- 2019 - Adrienne Montgomery
- 2018 - Julie Lawton, Kevin Mahaney
- 2017 - Gregory Davis
- 2016 - Maribeth Quinn
- 2015 - Nasim Keshavarz
- 2014 - Jeff Bentley
- 2013 - Kristi Jovell
- 2012 - Gretchen Bonfardine, Rachel Brinkley Smith
- 2011 - Odette Franceskino
- 2010 - Heather McDonnell
- 2009 - Brian Lemma
- 2008 - Neville Brown
- 2007 - Gordon Koff
- 2006 - Fran Andrea
- 2005 - David Sheridan
- 2004 - Joseph Roberto
- 2003 - Dadizi Baker-Cummings
- 2002 - Barbara Miller, Howard Entin
- 2001 - Matthew Spina
- 1999 - Gary Spoales
- 1998 - Christine Zuzack
- 1997 - Sharon Austin-Hassan
- 1996 - Anna Breland
- 1995 - Russell Woodward
NASFAA Regional Award Awarded to recognize outstanding contributions to the financial aid profession over a sustained period of time.
- Past Recipients:
- 2023 - Tom Dalton
- 2022 - Samantha Veeder
- 2021 - Kristi Jovell
- 2020 - Neville R. Brown
- 2019 - Wynette Zuppardi
- 2018 - Odette Franceskino
- 2016 - Maribeth Quinn
- 2015 - Larry Chambers
- 2014 - Barbara Miller
- 2013 - Robert D. Shorb
- 2012 - Mary Miller
- 2011 - Cathy Patella
Diversity Mentorship Scholarship Awarded to a current EASFAA member of an under-represented group in the Association (racial or ethnic minority group, LGBT/non-binary, or a person with a disability). This recipient agrees to continue to volunteer on an EASFAA committee and secure, in writing, supervisor/institutional support for time away from the office to participate in EASFAA activities. In exchange the recipient receives a scholarship to attend the annual conference, hotel included.
- Past Recipients:
- 2023 - Cherishe Cumma-Clarke
EASFAA Recognitions
President's Recognition for Service to the Association Given at the discretion of the president to recognize service to the Association within a given year by officers, committee chairs, committee members, or others. Presented at the annual conference. (Such recognition does not preclude receipt of an Association Award.)
- Past Recipients:
- 2024 - Shawn Morrisey, Tisa Silver-Canady
- 2023 - Tanya Patterson-Stanley
- 2022 - Douglas Wilson
- 2021 - Danette Burgess
- 2020 - Kat Delgrosso
- 2019 - Ashley Bianchi, Cheryl DePaolis
- 2018 - Tom Dalton
- 2017 - Cheryl DePaolis
- 2016 - Dawn Lowe
- 2015 - Larry Chambers
- 2014 - Maribeth Quinn
- 2013 - Wynette Zuppardi
- 2012 - Brian Lemma
- 2011 - Barbara Miller, John View
- 2010 - Cathleen Patella
- 2010 - David Manning
- 2009 - Richard Heath
- 2008 - Larry Chambers, James Murphy
- 2007 - Susan Howard
- 2006 - Irv Bodofsky
- 2005 - Eleanor A. Kelly
- 2004 - Mary Miller
- 2003 - Rachael Lohman
- 2002 - David Sheridan
- 2001 - Ernestine Whiting-Settles
- 2000 - Joseph R. Roberto
- 2000 - Suzy Allen
- 1999 - David Myette
- 1998 - Kathleen Smith
- 1997 - Robert Shorb
- 1996 - Sue Butler
- 1995 - Andrea Cross
- 1994 - Pamela Gilligan
Committee Recognition Given at the discretion of the president to any committee(s) of the Association determined to have made an outstanding contribution to the activities of the Association within a particular year. Given at the annual conference
- Past Recipients:
- 2024 - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee: Tanya Patterson Stanley, chair
Federal Relations: Gena Boling, chair
- 2023 - EASFAA Connects: Jim Anderson and Julie Lawton, co-chairs
- 2022 - Strategic Planning Committee: Howard Leslie, chair
- 2021 - Training Committee: Maureen Fagen and Shannon Gallagher, co-chairs
- 2020 - Conference Committee: Julie Lawton and David Sheridan, co-chairs
- 2019 - Conference Committee: Wynette Zuppardi and Tom Dalton, co-chairs
- 2018 - Training Committees: Ashley Bianchi Chair of EASFAA Leads, Philip Hawkins Chair of EASFAA Credentials, Brian Lemma Chair of Tuesdays@2, Ashley Ruszczyk Chair of Annual Training
- 2017 - Training Committee: Maribeth Quinn, Chair
- 2016 - Leadership and Mentoring: James Murphy, Chair
- 2015 - Multicultural Diversity Committee: Marie Johnson, Chair
- 2014 - Training Committee: Larry Chambers and Kristi Jovell, co-chairs
- 2013 - Social Media Committee: Nasim Keshavarz, Chair
- 2012 - Federal Relations Committee: Dawn Mosisa and Rachel Brinkley Smith, co-chairs
- 2011 - Conference Committee: Odette Franceskino and Wynette Richardson, co-chairs
Vendor Relations: Kimber Decker and Dave Manning, co-chairs Leadership Development: Mila Tappan and Dominic Yoia, co-chairs
- 2010 - Multicultural/Diversity, Barbara Williams, Chair
- 2009 - Conference, Brian Lemma, Chair
- 2008 - Federal Relations - Pierre Alric, Irvin Bodofsky. Co-Chairs
Graduate and Professional Concerns - Odette Franceskino, Chair
- 2007 - Newsletter Committee, Ann Playe, Chair
- 2006 - Graduate and Professional Concerns, Co-Chairs, Michelle Chamley, Richard Woodland
- 2005 - Membership Committee, Beth C. Turner, Chair
- 2004 - Conference Committee, Mary Miller, Chair
- 2004 - Training Committee, Ken Ferreira, Chair
- 2003 - Electronic Initiatives, Howard Entin, Chair
- 2002 - Newsletter, Kenneth Ferreira, Chairperson
- 2001 - Multi-Cultural Diversity, Elena Garcia, Chair
- 2000 - Conference Committee, Doug Bucher, Chair
- 2000 - Development Committee, Tim Balfour, Chair
- 1999 - Conference Committee
- 1998 - Conference Committee
- 1997 - Training Committee
- 1996 - Non-Traditional Concerns
- 1995 - Development Committee
- 1994 - Training Committee
Outstanding State Representative This award is given at the discretion of the President to one of the state representatives currently serving on EASFAA Council and is in recognition of outstanding service and support for the goals and objectives of EASFAA at the state level. This recognition does not preclude receipt of any other Association Award. It is given at the annual conference.
- Past Recipients:
- 2024 - Alex Guiral, New Jersey; Carmen Rivera-Laboy, Puerto Rico
- 2023 - Will O'Shea, Maine
- 2022 - Asia Taj, New Jersey
- 2021 - Howard Leslie, New York
- 2020 - Carmen Rivera-Laboy, Puerto Rico
- 2019 - Anne McDermott, Rhode Island
- 2018 - Danette Burgess, District of Columbia
- 2017 - Alex Muro, Connecticut
- 2016 - Kerrie Cooper, New York
- 2015 - Gregory Davis, Vermont
- 2014 - Patrice Shoemaker, Tri-State
- 2013 - Daniel Tramuta, New York
- 2012 - Ninfa Mueller, New Jersey
- 2011 - Gail Holt, Massachusetts
- 2010 - Michelle Chamley, Vermont
- 2009 - Nasim Keshavarz, Maryland
- 2008 - John Giordano, Connecticut
- 2007 - Maribeth Quinn, New Jersey
- 2006 - Clint Hanson, New Hampshire
- 2005 - Mila D. Tappan, Maine
- 2004 - Anne Barton, New York
Retirement Recognition For members of the Association retiring from full-time professional work, whose most recent career has been in financial aid, and whose service to the profession is at least 15 years. The recipient must have or will be retired within 12 months from the last EASFAA conference. Eligible retirees may be any member of the Association. Recognition will be made at the annual conference.
Fifteen, Twenty, and Twenty-Five Year Service Recognition Recognition of a professional career in student financial aid for periods of at least the time specified for each level. Designated by special ribbon for name badge at the annual conference and by recognition at the annual business meeting or some other suitable time during the conference. Recipients determined by question on conference registration form and appropriate ribbon provided with conference packet.