Diversity Mentorship Scholarship

EASFAA is excited to release its Diversity Mentorship Scholarship. This scholarship program will fund one full conference registration as well as the hotel expense for the recipient(s). All other travel expenses are the responsibility of the recipient(s). This scholarship is intended for EASFAA members who...

  • Are a member of an under-represented group in the Association (racial or ethnic minority group, LGBT/non-binary, or a person with a disability)
  • Agree to continue to volunteer on an EASFAA committee
  • Secure, in writing, supervisor/institutional support for time away from the office to participate in EASFAA activities.

The recipient(s) of this scholarship are expected to attend the entire conference; as well as one year of commitment within the association. The deadline to apply is March 17, 2025. Recipient(s) will be announced in the coming months.

Submit an Application